Voici les photos de l'atelier paravent que j'ai proposé en février à l'association scrap à la fraise. Une petite nouveauté pour certaines…il y avait de la couture, l'occasion d'utiliser la machine à coudre et de travailler en scrap une matière autre que le papier. Il est composé d'une série de 4 panneaux réalisée en tissu, tulle, dentelle et feutrine. Le style est inspiré de R. Rae et du modèle de paravent publié dans la revue Cloth paper scissors d'hiver 2006 pour le montage des panneux sur des bâtonnets en bois. Les 4 panneaux arrière sont scrappés sur du papier.
Here are the details of the accordion book I taught at the association scrap à la fraise last February. It was quite new for some members who had never worked with fabric before and the opportunity to use the sewing machine. It is made of 4 panels made with fabrics, lace, tulle and inspired by the beautiful work of R. Rae and the panels were mounted on wooden sticks as published in the Winter 2006 issue of Cloth paper scissors. Scrapbooking with paper and embellishments on the 4 panels on the back.
TFL, you can also visit the blog of my friend lilipaon here who made an accordion book last year.
5 commentaires:
C'est super jolie Laury!
loving your canvas book laury! and thanks for visiting my blog.. :)
OH MY GOSH!!! I've just looked through your blog at your amazing creations!
Just S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G!!
Sooooo talented!
Wow! You are so talented! Thank you for your visit, I really appreciate it! I will come back to your blog. I really like your art!
Wonderfully creative! it is amazing, I've enjoyed just seeing it here....
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